« “Sustainable cities and communities” start with sustainable neighbourhoods.  »

It is in neighbourhoods where people can easily meet their daily needs, socialize, and at the same time where people feel safe. This requires high-quality urban landscapes and open spaces, sustainably designed housing, shopping and recreation, access to schools, childcare facilities, and other services. At the same time, each neighbourhood needs good transport links to the places people need to go to, for work or pleasure.

By emphasizing the importance of local context, design and integration, this website aims to inspire all stakeholders involved in urban planning to think differently and simultaneously provide them with the necessary tools to take action. 

The different sections present a summary of the United Nations Environment Programme publication “Integrated Guidelines for Sustainable Neighbourhood Design”, which can be accessed in its full length here.

local context is key

Design is critical

Integration is essential


Design Places for People

Design with Nature

Leverage Strategic Density

Integrate Neighbourhood Systems

Build Vibrant Local Economies

Empower Local Communities


Financing and business case